
  • The primary outcome of all Youth Justice investment is to reduce offending and reoffending by providing services to young people who are interacting with police, and/or courts, and/or are in the youth justice statutory system.
  • All Youth Justice funded services are required to capture client information, in the Service Record System (SRS) provided and managed by the department. This data supports best practice case work; and analysis and reporting by funded services and the department.
  • Qualified YJ staff access and use the information in SRS for reporting and program level analysis. This analysis helps the department meet reporting obligations. This includes but is not limited to program evaluation, review, management, monitoring and audit.

By logging into this system, I warrant and agree that:

  • I am authorised to access the system;
  • I will not access or attempt to access information which I have no legitimate business need to access;
  • I will manage the information in accordance with privacy and confidentiality obligations;
  • I will protect my password and not share it with anyone else or make the system available to anyone else;
  • I understand that all access to this system is logged and subject to regular audits;
  • I understand that unauthorised access, use or disclosure of information in the system may lead to disciplinary proceedings and may also be a criminal offence (s408E of the Criminal Code Act 1899) which may be referred to the police for prosecution;
  • I will deal with client information respectfully, appropriately and with cultural sensitivity;
  • I must advise, and obtain the consent of, each service user to collect and use their personal information to support case management and facilitate analysis and reporting by my service and the department. Privacy notices must be provided to service users when collecting their personal information.

About SRS

Service Record System (SRS) is an online client management system developed in partnership with the community services sector.

SRS improves the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery by helping organisations manage information and activities regarding individuals and families.


Do I need to upgrade my web browser?

If you use Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and below you will not be able to make use of a number of functions currently available in SRS. The most current version of Internet Explorer is now Version 11. The Admin > About tab in SRS will tell you which browser you are currently using. For help to update your web browser please follow the link https://infoxchangehelp.net.au/updating-your-browser/.

Need help using SRS?

The Infoxchange Helpline can be contacted on 1300 366 516 or (03) 9418 7487 or email srs-support@infoxchange.org

If you contact support please quote the web address you use to access the application and the workgroup that you belong to.

SRS Support is also available via the SRS Online Help website that has a Frequently Asked Questions page, News, and a Contact us page where you can contact the support team.